# | Name of player | Points | Play time on the server |
1 | https://vk.com/css_techno | 0 | 37189 |
2 | SMCSSS--C | 156 | 37190 |
3 | I LoVe Re ' korD PuBlIc VERD | 4 | 37191 |
4 | Bartmen | 196 | 37192 |
5 | artem pidor | 425 | 37193 |
6 | TheXaji_YT | 406 | 37194 |
Players on server: 142185 / 203667. The most popular map: de_dust2. Total servers: 92849 (running: 3073 / not working: 89776). Hits servers monitored: 1786088. |